strength train

on listening to your body & recovery

I've spoken previously on motivation and determination here, and I definitely feel the same. it's important to recognize that even on days when you are feeling lazy you should keep moving. and yes, pushing yourself is very important to get stronger and progress.

but along with that, it's important to listen to your body and what you actually NEED to do. this is something that I've struggled with. something I've struggled with throughout my entire workout journey, to be frank.

over the past few months, I have changed up my routine A LOT. new job, long commutes, training for multiple events, engagement, wedding planning, looking for an apartment, and it's been EXHAUSTING.

so with that, I have noticed that my training has been WAY harder. and, yes, I am pushing myself and working with new weights and pushing my pace, but I am tired ALL OF THE TIME. And that's not normal! 

I had noticed a lot of changes in my mood and appetite and motivation and in how my training was going. (So many hand tears) 

So I knew that I needed to take a break. Looking back over the past year, I hadn't taken a real break (rest for more than a day or two) in, well, almost a year. (Right around my move down to San Diego) which was not including the time in December when I was basically vomiting the entire month due to every type of illness I could manage to get (likely because I was exhausted and my immune system was compromised). 

I made the decision that after my June competition that I would take about a week off. So after my snatch set, I took the whole week off from any real lifting. Which was not easy for me; 1) because I work in fitness so I'm surrounded with people working out all day 2) I do really enjoy exercise 3) it's part of my routine and I am a creature of habit. 

 And what did I do on my rest week? 

Not a lot. Sometimes a walk. Sometimes some yoga. Sometimes a little bit of mace swinging. By the end of the week I was doing some fun flows with the kettlebell at light weights. And that's it. I didn't do anything crazy and recovered all week. 

I also didn't change up my eating habits. I ate basically the same things as I usually do as far as I could tell. 

I checked my Heart Rate Variance on an app (HRV4Training) to see where it thought I was in my recovery as well. Just to have some unbiased science in on my recovery, too. 

And by the end of the week I had more energy, my moods were in a better space, my appetite had gotten more normal.  

I just felt much better. My training all last week was back to regular strength, I haven't been waking up tired. It's been awesome. 

If you are noticing that your training is taking a hit, if you're tired all the time, if you're just wholly unmotivated for weeks at a time, if you're moody and just feeling off ~ it may be time for a break

I know there's fear of stopping when you're in a routine, but i promise it does you more good than continuing to train while you're burnt out. Take the few days off and let your body recover fully so you can actually enjoy your training. It's well worth it. 

fitness myth buster: weightlifting makes you bulky

there are SO many outrageous myths about fitness out there, and today i'm gonna tackle one of the big ones...weightlifting makes you bulky. 

to be honest, i kind of forget that this is a thing that people still think because most of the things i read and follow and surround myself with is fitness related and this is something that i feel like gets repeated over and over again.. . and i don't want to beat a dead horse...but i STILL see being said.

I get it a lot while i'm doing fitness consultations, meeting potential clients. Usually someone saying they want to get "toned" and lean out but "don't want to get bulky!!! so i don't want to lift too much weight!" and i have to explain to them that lifting weights won't make them bulky. 

so here it is: weightlifting will not make you bulky. (unless you are working insanely hard to BE BULKY). 

(side note: WTF is bulky?? like how does one define "bulk???" it is different for everyone i've talked to!) 

so what does weight lifting do for you??

  • you'll burn more calories throughout the day ~ when you are weight lifting you are building lean mass up in your body and lean mass uses more calories throughout the day. 
  • you are not making your body bigger, you are shaping your body ~ adding weight training into your workout routine is exactly how you get the "toned" looks that everyone asks how to get! 

important factors to remember: 

  • every body is going to react differently to weight training ~ we are all different people (yes, shocking brand new information!!) and so our bodies will react and adapt differently to adding resistance training into your workout routine. this DOES NOT mean that you're going to be bulky... it just means your results are not going to look the same as someone else following the same/a similar training plan. 
  • you are training for the results you want ~ look, if you want to be lean and strong, that's what you work towards, if you want to get big AF, that's what you make your program work towards. 
  • to get big, you have to EAT big ~ have you ever seen those big bodybuilders? they are eating A LOT, like, all the time. you have to eat SO MUCH to build and fuel those giant muscles. 
  • it takes TIME ~ you are not going to wake up the morning after a strength training session looking like Johnny Bravo. people work their entire lives to get that strong. 

Some bonus benefits of strength training: 

  • new types of goals: with my clients i try to make a few different types of goals, and one of the best kinds are strength training based goals. it is a real boost when you hit a deadlift or bench press PR and really keeps you moving towards your goals
  • confidence boost ~ hitting goals and lifting weights you haven't before is such a high. it's a great motivator and will keep you working towards more goals at the gym.
  •  get better at life ~ strength training helps you perform better at the gym, but also is gonna help you be better at getting through life. you'll be stronger and functionally fit so you don't hurt yourself going throughout your day.

SO here it is: 

go strength train! 

start with the basics and build those muscles! 


need some help to get started? i have training available- just send me a message and we can get you going! email me at or on instagram or facebook