18 small changes that add up

deciding to get healthy and/or fit can seem like a monumental decision. like you have to do an entire remodel on your life in order to make it work. but that is definitely not the case. 

making the decision to eat healthy or exercise should never be a quick fix. anything that's telling you that you'll get to your goal and be on your merry way in 30 days is absolute bullshit. being healthy and fit is a lifestyle. hence why trying to change your entire life in a day is not going to be sustainable. you should focus on making small changes that will add up into a fully healthy lifestyle. 

*but i can just do it all right now!* 

okay but if you totally change your lifestyle all at once, will you be able to sustain it?

if you decide to cut yourself off from every food you like will you be able to do that for a long enough period of time to make a difference? 

if you haven't worked out in years and all of a sudden you want to start marathon training do you think you'll stick with it? 

for most people the answer is no. and that's okay!!! if you could change your life at the drop of a hat then everything would be so much easier... but that is so not real life. 

so, here is my list of *small* changes (in no particular order) that add up into a very big lifestyle change: 

  • cut out soda
    • if you need something fizzy and flavored go for sparkling water. super tasty and none of the calories. 
  • drink so much water
    • drink water with every meal and in between meals. Especially in the summer because you need more water than you think! 
  • park far away from the entrance of the grocery store
    • every step counts! it all adds up! 
  • take the stairs 
  • take a walk around the block (or up the street or around the office) 
  • pack your lunch 
    • money saver and that way you know exactly what you are eating!  
  • eat your fruits... don't drink them
    • keeps the fiber in your fruit and keeps them way more filling than juice or smoothies!
  • don't eat mindlessly (no TV snack binges) 
    • make the couch a no snack zone! eating mindfully helps make sure that you are not overeating and that you are eating when you are hungry, not because you are bored. 
  • don't eat out / make more meals at home 
    • just like packing your own lunch - saves money and calories. restaurants add extra butters and oils to make everything taste good (it works! and oils and butters are great! but you don't need all of the extra fats in your diet on a regular basis) and you can lower your calorie intake easily just by cooking your own meals!
  • don't keep unhealthy snacks in your home 
    • out of sight and out of mind! seriously, if its not readily accessible you probably won't miss it as much as you think you would! 
  • shop from a list 
    • and don't shop hungry! go in with a plan and stick to it! that way you don't end up with unnecessary snack foods in your home! 
  • don't cut out all your favorite foods... add new healthier foods into your diet
    • you know what sucks? taking away all of your foods that you enjoy. instead of that, add in new foods! try to find new favorite healthy foods to have in your diet over foods that aren't nutritionally dense
  • eat your colors (variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins)
    • nutritionally dense and tasty! 
  • choose greek yogurt over regular yogurt (higher protein!) 
    • straight forward and easy swap
  • start your day with protein 
    • have eggs or a protein shake or something that you enjoy that has protein in it to start your day off on the right foot! plus, protein will keep you fuller longer!
  • prep your snacks 
    • easy way to have something good to eat on hand anytime!
  • use smaller plates/cutlery 
    • makes the meals and bites seem bigger. your plates seem fuller and your bites seem bigger. i love small cutlery (to the point that my loving boyfriend makes fun of me for it <3) because it makes me take more time to eat my food so I tend to eat less than if I use larger spoons and forks
  • enjoy small treats! (don't throw out all your chocolates, just eat smaller portions)
    • i have desert or some sort of treat almost every day. this may seem counter-productive to weight loss and health but having small treats makes it so you don't ever feel restricted, which helps you to stay on track long term. 


Did I miss any tips that have helped you during your health and fitness journey? Leave 'em in the comments below!