
on attitude

right up front, i'm gonna be honest. this may very well turn into a word vomit. i would apologize, but it's my blog so i can do what i want, and sometimes that means i get to just throw up a bunch words onto a screen and the very few of you who read it just have to deal with it. 

i recognize that i am a kind of special case when i come to fitness. i love it. i genuinely enjoy working out and pushing my limits and breaking PRs and just all of it. 

most of the time. 

but the issue i see pretty regularly with people is that they say that they don't like ANY exercise EVER. all of it is terrible and boring and hard and they just don't want to do any of it. 

and let me tell you, that's the problem RIGHT THERE. 

if you go into every workout with that attitude then OF COURSE it's going to suck. you can't expect to go into a workout with thoughts of "this sucks, this sucks, i hate this so much" on repeat in your head and expect any sort of movement is going to feel good. 

there are SO MANY different ways to move and to add exercise into your life and you're telling me that LITERALLY every single one is the worst thing you've ever encountered in your life? sorry, i'm calling bullshit. 

did you actually TRY to enjoy the workout? or did you show up and complain about it the whole time? 

and what have you tried? did you just try running one day and say well that was hard, i'm not doing that shit again? or go into a gym and go down the row of weight machines and were bored AF and never went back? did one class at that studio and it was really challenging so you just stopped going after a couple classes? 

there are SO MANY ways to move and to add exercise into your life. you don't have to just do the regular gym thing lots of people picture when they think of "fitness." 

but the thing is, you cannot go into every single workout session with an attitude of "omg this is gonna suck" because that will make literally everything you try suck. 

self-talk is a huge part of fitness and if you are being negative the entire time, you are gonna feel terrible & not want to come back and do it again because ALL of the feeling you have with it are all these unhappy and gross feelings. 

you're setting yourself up for failure if you are constantly going into with a negative attitude. 

even on days that you don't want to do it, just go have a good attitude for like 15 mins and do a warmup and if you feel terrible after that... stop. but 90% of the time if you go into it with a decent attitude after the first 10 mins you'll want to keep going! and if you don't... you gave it a solid try and that's okay cause some days you do need the break. 

the main thing to take away from this all is to have a good attitude about your workouts. if you're gonna look at exercise like a punishment it will always feel like a punishment. 

&i cannot tell you how much adjusting my attitude has changed my training. 

even on days where i have sets that are going to be objectively hard and in the past I have just been D R E A D I N G it and guess what... THEY SUCKED. they were hard and it felt terrible and i didn't hit goals that i had set for myself. and a few weeks ago i had a break through. i was NOT looking forward to a set, but before it i was like, "WELL, i have to do this anyway, so I may as well have fun with it all" so i had a goofy ass warmup and danced around a lot and listened to bangin' music and when it came time for my set i was pretty pumped! and then i crushed it! and that's been the theme since that set. like, if i go in with a good attitude the workout feels SO MUCH better and I DO so much better. 

just think ~ you're working out for YOU. exercise is an experience for yourself. you're doing it feel good for you. not anyone else. and if the type of exercise you're doing doesn't feel good - don't do that anymore! like i said before, there are so many ways to move... you just gotta go in with an open mind & you'll find what you love to do too! 

if you need help or some guidance in finding the way you want to exercise drop me a line on Instagram or Facebook or send me an email at . And if you want to work together check out my Programs page or just shoot me a message and we can make something that works for you! Movement is good for you & you deserve to find the way you like to move! 

WHAT ARE: isometrics

all of last month I posted about plyometric exercises and why they are important. this month we are changing it up and doing the opposite. Isometrics!!

so what are isometric exercises?

they are a contraction of a particular muscle or muscle group. during isometric exercises you won't be noticeably moving the muscles and the joints are not moving at all. you are holding in a static position while contracting your muscles.  this is a change from typical exercises where you are going through eccentric and concentric muscle contractions.

you are essentially, making your muscles work against an immovable object (a wall, your own body, the ground, etc).

holding positions sounds easy enough, but you are not just holding still, you're contracting your muscles to full tension. which gets real tough, real fast!

why should I do isometrics?

through isometrics you can increase strength and can rebuild strength in injured muscle groups with less of a chance of further injuring a muscle. 

isometric exercises are also great for beginners and elderly people. isometric exercises are low impact so just about anyone can do them.

and not to mention, they are so convenient. zero equipment (usually) and minimal space. no excuse workouts!

isometrics are also a great compliment to HIIT workouts, because you're moving (or holding, rather) your muscles in a different way.

so what are some of these isometric exercises?

think of some yoga moves, where you're holding a position. or planks!

even better, you can follow me on Instagram and facebook cause I will be posting new isometric exercises all throughout the month of May! personally, I don't incorporate a wide variety of isometrics in my workout routine so I am looking forward to adding some diversity in my routine! join me this month and tag me in your attempts of the moves this month. or if you need some more guidance, you can shoot me an email at and we can discuss getting you set up on a personalized program!



the health and fitness industry is pretty much obsessed with the "after" picture, of the scale going down, of burning insane calories. i am guilty of it too. we obsess with the number on the scale and with what we see in the mirror and with burning calories and "earning" the right to eat some candy. 

if you follow my instagram stories you saw me go off on a My FItness Pal blog post that was telling you how much you had to exercise to "earn" some Halloween treats. and seriously- FUCK THAT. enjoy your treats and enjoy your desserts and enjoy the food you like. 

ANYWAY ~ that's not entirely related to the point of this post, but it's pretty close. over the past couple of weeks i have been trying to figure out a good challenge i could host on my insta and after an experience i had this morning i figured it out. 

to start, let me give you some background: i 100% understand that the scale should only be one of many tools to measure progress and success in your health & fitness journey but as someone who exclusively measured progress on the scale for a VERY LONG TIME it is hard to shake the feeling of deep disappointment of seeing the scale go up even when logically i understand that i didn't gain fat. 

the scale is SUCH a fickle reporting tool. it goes up and down depending on about a million different things but i still let it effect my mood. and that's me, a fitness professional who should know better. 

so  anyway, this morning i weighed in and that stupid number went up. and i was so disappointed in myself. even though i had a pretty successful week of workouts and nutrition wise i was on point. but the fact was that the night before i had most of my carbs in the evening and i had them later at night than normal so of course that'll reflect on the scale. but it doesn't mean i need to stress out about it. my weight has definitely gone up from this time last year... but i'm working out harder than i have been before and i am stronger than i have ever been. 

that's where my challenge comes in; i've decided i'm not gonna stress about the scale for a full month. for all of november i am putting the scale away and i'm going to focus on non-scale victories, self care, eating properly, and my regular training program. i typically step on the scale 5-7 days a week and honestly, that's not been working well for my mental health but i really just can't stop myself from doing it, and i'm sure i'm not the only one. 

sometimes we need a full reset and that's what i'm going to do and i'm hoping to have some of you all join me in!

30 full days of no scale. and each week i will be putting out some additional self-care challenges for all of us to take part in. 

i think that this time of year it's pretty easy to be shamed for eating candy or all the pie or other treats and then immediately to step on scale and feel terrible about it. so let's not. let's focus on consistency and getting stronger and faster and eating food that makes us feel good and self care. 

join me in the #noweighinnovember challenge on my instagram page! all of the details will be on the page! 

any questions? let me know in the comments below or on my insta or facebook page!