
on attitude

right up front, i'm gonna be honest. this may very well turn into a word vomit. i would apologize, but it's my blog so i can do what i want, and sometimes that means i get to just throw up a bunch words onto a screen and the very few of you who read it just have to deal with it. 

i recognize that i am a kind of special case when i come to fitness. i love it. i genuinely enjoy working out and pushing my limits and breaking PRs and just all of it. 

most of the time. 

but the issue i see pretty regularly with people is that they say that they don't like ANY exercise EVER. all of it is terrible and boring and hard and they just don't want to do any of it. 

and let me tell you, that's the problem RIGHT THERE. 

if you go into every workout with that attitude then OF COURSE it's going to suck. you can't expect to go into a workout with thoughts of "this sucks, this sucks, i hate this so much" on repeat in your head and expect any sort of movement is going to feel good. 

there are SO MANY different ways to move and to add exercise into your life and you're telling me that LITERALLY every single one is the worst thing you've ever encountered in your life? sorry, i'm calling bullshit. 

did you actually TRY to enjoy the workout? or did you show up and complain about it the whole time? 

and what have you tried? did you just try running one day and say well that was hard, i'm not doing that shit again? or go into a gym and go down the row of weight machines and were bored AF and never went back? did one class at that studio and it was really challenging so you just stopped going after a couple classes? 

there are SO MANY ways to move and to add exercise into your life. you don't have to just do the regular gym thing lots of people picture when they think of "fitness." 

but the thing is, you cannot go into every single workout session with an attitude of "omg this is gonna suck" because that will make literally everything you try suck. 

self-talk is a huge part of fitness and if you are being negative the entire time, you are gonna feel terrible & not want to come back and do it again because ALL of the feeling you have with it are all these unhappy and gross feelings. 

you're setting yourself up for failure if you are constantly going into with a negative attitude. 

even on days that you don't want to do it, just go have a good attitude for like 15 mins and do a warmup and if you feel terrible after that... stop. but 90% of the time if you go into it with a decent attitude after the first 10 mins you'll want to keep going! and if you don't... you gave it a solid try and that's okay cause some days you do need the break. 

the main thing to take away from this all is to have a good attitude about your workouts. if you're gonna look at exercise like a punishment it will always feel like a punishment. 

&i cannot tell you how much adjusting my attitude has changed my training. 

even on days where i have sets that are going to be objectively hard and in the past I have just been D R E A D I N G it and guess what... THEY SUCKED. they were hard and it felt terrible and i didn't hit goals that i had set for myself. and a few weeks ago i had a break through. i was NOT looking forward to a set, but before it i was like, "WELL, i have to do this anyway, so I may as well have fun with it all" so i had a goofy ass warmup and danced around a lot and listened to bangin' music and when it came time for my set i was pretty pumped! and then i crushed it! and that's been the theme since that set. like, if i go in with a good attitude the workout feels SO MUCH better and I DO so much better. 

just think ~ you're working out for YOU. exercise is an experience for yourself. you're doing it feel good for you. not anyone else. and if the type of exercise you're doing doesn't feel good - don't do that anymore! like i said before, there are so many ways to move... you just gotta go in with an open mind & you'll find what you love to do too! 

if you need help or some guidance in finding the way you want to exercise drop me a line on Instagram or Facebook or send me an email at . And if you want to work together check out my Programs page or just shoot me a message and we can make something that works for you! Movement is good for you & you deserve to find the way you like to move! 

Cleanses & Detoxes are BULLSHIT

hi, i'm here to start a fight with literally anyone and everyone trying to sell you some FitTea or some sort of 3 day Power Cleanse or telling your drink cayenne lemon water to detox your liver or whatever bullshit someone is peddling you these days.


look, I understand, they are tempting as heck. they tell you that you'll lose weight fast or you'll have more energy immediately or your skin will magically look flawless. with just a few days of "cleansing" your body... like these are big promises to solve big problems - and they are totally empty.

So here's the facts:

  1. your body cleanses and detoxes itself.
    1. all your body's systems are essentially made to use the things that come into the body and expel the stuff it needs to get rid of.
    2. your liver filters the toxins from getting into your bloodstream (i.e., alcohol).
    3. your kidneys filter your blood to get rid of toxins through urine.
    4. your colon produces chemicals (good & bad) and gets them out through bowel movements.
    5. lungs are able to filter and eliminate chemicals that can enter your body via breathing. (clearly we have a good system going here)
    6. And if something with your body is not functioning properly - go to a doctor. don't do a juice cleanse and call it good.
  2. idk what magic you think cayenne or lemon juice has, but I can assure you it isn't going to magically make your body function better.
    1. though consistently eating nutrient rich foods on a regular basis (fruits, veggies, etc) your body will function more efficiently but just drinking juice for a week isn't going to magically streamline your body's functions.
  3. the original cleanse ("The Master Cleanse"  by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940s- the 12 glasses of lemon, cayenne, and maple syrup + a laxative) was NEVER confirmed through any research. though it boasts giving you more energy and general happiness... doing the master cleanse is no better than starving yourself. basically every cleanse claims the same things, and also have never been substantiated through science.
    1. like, yeah, you'll lose weight doing that. because you're not eating ANY FOOD (and possibly taking LAXATIVES). but as soon as you eat again you'll gain most of that right back.  it's not worth it.
  4. They are legitimately scams.
    1. guess what costs lots of money? FitTeas, juice cleanes, soup cleanses, and the works. they are just expensive poops. that's it. fancy laxatives in fancy packages with fancy flavors.
    2. you can actually harm your body by doing cleanses. do you think that eating cayenne and juice  for a week is good for your body? it's not. you aren't intaking much, if any, of your daily nutrient and calorie needs. your body needs food to function.
    3. you can get the supposed benefits of the cleanses through adding natural fiber and diuretics into your diet on a regular basis. think apples, beans, avocado, lentils, asparagus, figs, carrots, tomatoes, oats, blueberries, WATER).

so PLEASE for the love of everything good in this world, stop doing detoxes and cleanses. stop giving people your money for no reason.

I know it sounds so nice and convenient and easy to "kickstart" your weight loss or to even lose 5 lbs in 5 days or get clear skin instantly or something... but these are not good for you at all. not in the short term, not in the long term.

eat foods that make your body feel good and move how you like to move and enjoy life and don't buy an expensive tea that makes you poop a lot. #lifetips


why plyometrics are important

this month I am posting a new plyometric exercise everyday and I bet some of you are like what even are plyometrics and why should I  be doing them??

well, here I am to help answer those questions!

so what are plyometrics?

plyometrics (or plyos) in the most simple terms is "jump training." they are exercises where you are using maximum force on your muscles. maximum exertion. short burst of highly intense movements.

you are doing compound movements explosively, with light no zero loads.

and why the heck should I be doing plyos?

plyos are explosive power training. this is totally necessary for athletes because it helps them to change direction, get faster, and accelerate more quickly.

essentially, plyometric movements help to train your muscles to move faster, quicker. it makes your major muscles work more efficiently and with more power. and you gain way more body control through using plyos vs. non-explosive training.

so now you're thinking, i'm not an athlete, why should I care about these again??

1) you can fit these into any day. plyos are fast and hard, so if you are short on time they're PERFECT for you.

2) and if you are short on equipment... 90% of plyo exercises don't need any equipment to be a highly effective workout

3) not a fan of cardio?? well let's get your cardio and some strength training all done at the same time! seriously! you don't need to run or bike or anything- just get some plyos in and I promise your heart will be pumping!

4) when you do plyos you are strengthening your fast-twitch muscle fibers (the ones you use for explosive and short exercise bursts) and the faster you go the more power you gain... the more power and strength you gain in your muscles and tendons the less likely you are to injure yourself doing any style of workouts and just in life.


okay, so what are some actual plyo exercises?

well, first, I have GREAT news for you! I am currently posting a new plyometric exercise EVERYDAY this month on my Instagram page! and my Facebook page! and under the hashtag #springintoapril ! (spring, because jump training, and also because I find myself hilarious).

but just to name a few so you can run outside and do some right this second without checking my page ~ jump squats, box jumps, tuck jumps, burpees, power skips.

if you're not sure how to incorporate plyometric training into your workouts send me an email at or DM me on insta or FB! And if you want all the guidance - let's train together! check out my programs page to see if any of those are the right fit for you!