
What is: metabolic conditioning?

on some of my posts for workouts and finishers you'll see hashtags for #metabolicconditioning or #metcon (its abbreviation). and you may be wondering, what the heck is that?

 well let me tell you!

the most simple definition is that metabolic conditioning is basically workouts that are structured around increasing the storage and delivery of energy for any activity. and what the heck does that even mean? WELL when you start exercising you are making your body more efficient in using energy (which is why you get faster and stronger, like, the workout you did from your very first workout would be much easier if you did it 6 months later). Metabolic conditioning are  workouts designed to increase your strength and metabolism fast and efficiently; think HIIT (high intensity internal training) or CrossFit or circuit training. Metabolic conditioning is a lot of compound movements (squats, deadlifts, pushes, and presses) in a compact time frame with minimal rest periods. This not only increases your strength, but also your cardiovascular endurance! 


and WHY should you be doing them? 

to be honest, for all the reasons I talked about above!


want to get strong?  


want to increase your cardio?  


 don't have a lot of time!? 



now that I've answered every easy question, seriously, metabolic conditioning is a time efficient way to get it all done! 

They're highly versatile exercises that can incorporate just about any piece (or no pieces) of equipment that you have. They can be just a few minutes or longer if you need/want. 

would I do a metabolic conditioning workout for every single workout that I do?  

Nope! They are usually pretty high intensity and will wear your muscles out and will make you sore, so you should definitely let your body rest and recover between high intensity sessions.

But it is a genuinely great type of workout to add into your training routine on a regular basis! Maybe add in a EMOM (every minute on the minute) or AMRAP (as many rounds/reps as possible) at the end of your training session to really push yourself at the end of a workout or maybe have a conditioning workout day!   

And it depends on what your goals are too! Like, if you're training for a powerlifting meet... Maybe metcons won't be a regular occurrence in your regimine. And if you're specifically training for events, specify your equipment or the conditioning to that! 

SO what are some metabolic conditioning workouts?  

Any movement can be transformed into a metcon workout! It's all about rests and sets! 

Try this one on for size: 

AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) in 10 mins

use a pair of kettlebells or dumbbells (or both!) 

goblet squat × 10  / renegade rows × 10 / lateral weighted lunges × 10 / overhead press × 10 / mountain climbers × 20 

if ya do it, let me know how many rounds you got on my Instagram or my Facebook page! If you make a post about it, tag me so I can share!  Or send me an email over at!  

And check out any of my social media for regular workouts that you can do! 

If you're looking for more specific training, drop me a line and let's get you set up with a program that's suited for your needs! I do in person and online training!  

And if you're around, come check me out over at Edge in San Marcos and take a kettlbell class with me on Wednesday at 4 pm and/or Friday at 7:30 am!  


why plyometrics are important

this month I am posting a new plyometric exercise everyday and I bet some of you are like what even are plyometrics and why should I  be doing them??

well, here I am to help answer those questions!

so what are plyometrics?

plyometrics (or plyos) in the most simple terms is "jump training." they are exercises where you are using maximum force on your muscles. maximum exertion. short burst of highly intense movements.

you are doing compound movements explosively, with light no zero loads.

and why the heck should I be doing plyos?

plyos are explosive power training. this is totally necessary for athletes because it helps them to change direction, get faster, and accelerate more quickly.

essentially, plyometric movements help to train your muscles to move faster, quicker. it makes your major muscles work more efficiently and with more power. and you gain way more body control through using plyos vs. non-explosive training.

so now you're thinking, i'm not an athlete, why should I care about these again??

1) you can fit these into any day. plyos are fast and hard, so if you are short on time they're PERFECT for you.

2) and if you are short on equipment... 90% of plyo exercises don't need any equipment to be a highly effective workout

3) not a fan of cardio?? well let's get your cardio and some strength training all done at the same time! seriously! you don't need to run or bike or anything- just get some plyos in and I promise your heart will be pumping!

4) when you do plyos you are strengthening your fast-twitch muscle fibers (the ones you use for explosive and short exercise bursts) and the faster you go the more power you gain... the more power and strength you gain in your muscles and tendons the less likely you are to injure yourself doing any style of workouts and just in life.


okay, so what are some actual plyo exercises?

well, first, I have GREAT news for you! I am currently posting a new plyometric exercise EVERYDAY this month on my Instagram page! and my Facebook page! and under the hashtag #springintoapril ! (spring, because jump training, and also because I find myself hilarious).

but just to name a few so you can run outside and do some right this second without checking my page ~ jump squats, box jumps, tuck jumps, burpees, power skips.

if you're not sure how to incorporate plyometric training into your workouts send me an email at or DM me on insta or FB! And if you want all the guidance - let's train together! check out my programs page to see if any of those are the right fit for you!

THE best kind of cardio

if you don't feel like reading the whole post, i'm gonna just spoil it for you at the top. and it's not an answer that you're gonna like tbh. ready for it? IT ALL DEPENDS! depends on what you like, depends on injuries you may have, what your goals are, and depends on what you have available to you. 

so i'm going to let you know what the benefits of each kind of cardio is and let you figure out what's best for you. 

1. walking: the easiest kind of cardio that you're probably already doing. it's low impact and just about anyone can do it. it's simple & effective. walking 30 minutes of day has numerous health benefits including lowering blood pressure and improving circulation. and you can do it just about anywhere and anytime!

2. jogging/running: now i know that everyone has some sort of vendetta against running but it is a great cardio workout and it takes almost no special equipment. it has all the benefits of walking with disease reduction and lowering bp, it's just a little faster. the drawbacks are that it is higher impact and can be tough on your knees and feet so it's not for everyone. BUT after running you get that ever spoken of runner's high. which is real and it feels great and honestly is why i keep going back to it.

3. jumping rope: have you jumped rope since you were on the playground in school? if not, you should! personally, i am TERRIBLE at jumping rope but damn is it a great cardio workout. not only does it get your heart rate up, it also builds your agility and quickness and coordination. plus a jump rope is cheap, takes almost no space to store, and only a little space to workout in. once again, it can be a little tough on the body because you're jumping but there are modifications that can be lower impact until you're able to go full out.

4. rowing: definitely a full body cardio workout. not only is this a cardio workout but you'll definitely feel it in your upper and lower body for some strength building, as well. it's low impact too. so if running is off the table because it hurts your knees, then definitely get yourself on a rowing machine. helluva calorie burn too! 

5. swimming: the lowest impact cardio activity. if you've got injuries then swimming is probably the best option for you. there's a very low risk of injury. it also strengthens your muscles! basically all of them because swimming is a full body workout. and swimming builds up bone mass, which is a definite benefit if you have osteoporosis or arthritis. and swimming is a good option if you have asthma, because it helps with your lung strength and endurance.

6. cycling: another great low impact cardio exercise. along with all the health benefits of regular cardiovascular exercise, since it's lower impact... you're less likely to get injuries. and it is a great exercise for when you're coming off of an injury. 

7. sports: general, i know. but definitely a solid cardio option. there's SO MANY different sports that you can play that will get your heart rate up and you moving. plus most sports include dynamic movements which is great for you. AND you're usually working with a team which creates accountability. and on top of that, the competitive aspect of sports will help push you farther than you typically would in a normal cardio workout.


plus you can adjust intensity by doing long interval steady state (LISS) or high intensity interval training (HIIT) throughout most of these options. 

there are lots of other kinds of cardio you can incorporate too, but these are the basics that most people will have access to. but if you have 'em... battle ropes, kettlebells, sled push/pulls, bodyweight training, boxing, stairs, dancing, or hiking and so much more. 

 there's something out there for you to do to get a great cardio workout in!

but if you don't know where to start leave a comment or message me here or on facebook or instagram.

and if you're really lost, and you live around here, we can set up a fitness consultation at my new job at 24 Hour Fitness! drop me a message if you're interested!