plyo work

why plyometrics are important

this month I am posting a new plyometric exercise everyday and I bet some of you are like what even are plyometrics and why should I  be doing them??

well, here I am to help answer those questions!

so what are plyometrics?

plyometrics (or plyos) in the most simple terms is "jump training." they are exercises where you are using maximum force on your muscles. maximum exertion. short burst of highly intense movements.

you are doing compound movements explosively, with light no zero loads.

and why the heck should I be doing plyos?

plyos are explosive power training. this is totally necessary for athletes because it helps them to change direction, get faster, and accelerate more quickly.

essentially, plyometric movements help to train your muscles to move faster, quicker. it makes your major muscles work more efficiently and with more power. and you gain way more body control through using plyos vs. non-explosive training.

so now you're thinking, i'm not an athlete, why should I care about these again??

1) you can fit these into any day. plyos are fast and hard, so if you are short on time they're PERFECT for you.

2) and if you are short on equipment... 90% of plyo exercises don't need any equipment to be a highly effective workout

3) not a fan of cardio?? well let's get your cardio and some strength training all done at the same time! seriously! you don't need to run or bike or anything- just get some plyos in and I promise your heart will be pumping!

4) when you do plyos you are strengthening your fast-twitch muscle fibers (the ones you use for explosive and short exercise bursts) and the faster you go the more power you gain... the more power and strength you gain in your muscles and tendons the less likely you are to injure yourself doing any style of workouts and just in life.


okay, so what are some actual plyo exercises?

well, first, I have GREAT news for you! I am currently posting a new plyometric exercise EVERYDAY this month on my Instagram page! and my Facebook page! and under the hashtag #springintoapril ! (spring, because jump training, and also because I find myself hilarious).

but just to name a few so you can run outside and do some right this second without checking my page ~ jump squats, box jumps, tuck jumps, burpees, power skips.

if you're not sure how to incorporate plyometric training into your workouts send me an email at or DM me on insta or FB! And if you want all the guidance - let's train together! check out my programs page to see if any of those are the right fit for you!