
the health and fitness industry is pretty much obsessed with the "after" picture, of the scale going down, of burning insane calories. i am guilty of it too. we obsess with the number on the scale and with what we see in the mirror and with burning calories and "earning" the right to eat some candy. 

if you follow my instagram stories you saw me go off on a My FItness Pal blog post that was telling you how much you had to exercise to "earn" some Halloween treats. and seriously- FUCK THAT. enjoy your treats and enjoy your desserts and enjoy the food you like. 

ANYWAY ~ that's not entirely related to the point of this post, but it's pretty close. over the past couple of weeks i have been trying to figure out a good challenge i could host on my insta and after an experience i had this morning i figured it out. 

to start, let me give you some background: i 100% understand that the scale should only be one of many tools to measure progress and success in your health & fitness journey but as someone who exclusively measured progress on the scale for a VERY LONG TIME it is hard to shake the feeling of deep disappointment of seeing the scale go up even when logically i understand that i didn't gain fat. 

the scale is SUCH a fickle reporting tool. it goes up and down depending on about a million different things but i still let it effect my mood. and that's me, a fitness professional who should know better. 

so  anyway, this morning i weighed in and that stupid number went up. and i was so disappointed in myself. even though i had a pretty successful week of workouts and nutrition wise i was on point. but the fact was that the night before i had most of my carbs in the evening and i had them later at night than normal so of course that'll reflect on the scale. but it doesn't mean i need to stress out about it. my weight has definitely gone up from this time last year... but i'm working out harder than i have been before and i am stronger than i have ever been. 

that's where my challenge comes in; i've decided i'm not gonna stress about the scale for a full month. for all of november i am putting the scale away and i'm going to focus on non-scale victories, self care, eating properly, and my regular training program. i typically step on the scale 5-7 days a week and honestly, that's not been working well for my mental health but i really just can't stop myself from doing it, and i'm sure i'm not the only one. 

sometimes we need a full reset and that's what i'm going to do and i'm hoping to have some of you all join me in!

30 full days of no scale. and each week i will be putting out some additional self-care challenges for all of us to take part in. 

i think that this time of year it's pretty easy to be shamed for eating candy or all the pie or other treats and then immediately to step on scale and feel terrible about it. so let's not. let's focus on consistency and getting stronger and faster and eating food that makes us feel good and self care. 

join me in the #noweighinnovember challenge on my instagram page! all of the details will be on the page! 

any questions? let me know in the comments below or on my insta or facebook page!

why & how i became a personal trainer

if you would have told me a few years ago that I would be a certified personal trainer I would have laughed straight in your face. 

aug. 8, 2015 ~ 5-6 months after beggining to exercise

aug. 8, 2015 ~ 5-6 months after beggining to exercise

here's the thing, i had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I knew it wasn't hospitality or accounting.  i started working out shortly after my i got my job in accounting.  before then I was able to pretend that since I was on my feet all day (just standing and leaning on the desk tbh) I didn't need to exercise. but once I got a desk job I had no excuses. so a few times a week i would wake up a little early and go walk and jog on the treadmill in the garage. over several months i started running more days during the week, and do longer sessions. and i started focusing on my nutrition and what i was eating more. lots of small steps. (and some definite over-training, but that's another day's discussion). but exercise definitely became something i looked forward to. I really enjoy(ed) getting to push myself every morning. I made lots of little goals, different speed goals and different distance per month goals. and once i got to hit those i could make new goals and that was exciting for me. 

sept.9,2016 ~ post workout 

sept.9,2016 ~ post workout 

and then once i was able to go to a real gym i realized there was more to life than cardio and started doing more weightlifting and kettlebell (i had started that before, but once i got into a gym i realized how much more i could do and i was able to push myself even more with different weights). and i was able to learn all sorts of new things that i never had the chance to do before. 

and that's when people really starting asking me for help in weight loss and working out. or people would come out to join me in my morning workouts. and i had a lot of fun helping people out and answering questions about how i did it but also i didn't feel totally comfortable in giving people advice because i didn't have all the answers and health and fitness is a personal journey and i didn't want to be responsible for giving someone bad/ wrong advice. 

nov. 3 2016 ~ got my study material for ACE PT exam 

nov. 3 2016 ~ got my study material for ACE PT exam 

and while all that was happening i was also trying to figure out what my next step was going to be, and what i wanted to do with my life. i went over a lot of different options and a lot of different ideas but kept looking at personal trainer certifications... and after talking with colt about it, i made the commitment to going for it. i realized that the gym is what i genuinely looked forward to everyday and getting to help other people figure out the gym was cool for me. and i was already doing a lot of research for me and other people so, why not have the actual certification? 

dec 2016 study session

dec 2016 study session

was it easy? absolutely not. preparing for that exam took months of studying and reading and re-reading and note taking. it was so, so stressful. but thanks to many (MANY) hours of reading and studying and the un-ending support from col t i took the exam and passed it and earned my certification through ACE! 

it has been a long road to becoming a personal trainer but i feel so right about it. i already have gotten to help lots of people with their goals and i cannot wait to help so many more throughout my career! 

post-workout with awesome ladies

post-workout with awesome ladies



by the way, if you are interested in training (in person or online) send me a line!! i would love to work with you! (tiffnessfitness@gmail.com)